viernes, 1 de julio de 2011


Tales Of Terror] (1962) De Roger Corman

We could have chosen any of the memorable adaptations of Poe's great Roger Corman, arguably the most classic film cycle dedicated to the writer in Boston.
As we talked about some gems of this series as "The Fall of the House of Usher" or "The Pit and the Pendulum," for example, we will sink his teeth into one that had not even mentioned.
 "Tales of Terror" is the fourth of these classic films and has again with a clever script by Richard Matheson our lovely addition to the unavoidable presence of Vincent Price as master of ceremonies "off" and star of the three stories adapted.
Indeed, this time Corman decided to make a film in three episodes that reflect so many tales of Poe. We might think that since it is three separate stories in the same film, Matheson would have been more concise in their adaptation and would not need as in other scripts Poe-stretching cycle frames or mix with other accounts in order to lengthen the duration of stories. But we soon discovered that it is not.
Matheson and Corman added back many changes to the accounts and blend again several Poe stories in one. The result is a fun film and terrifying at the same time with some great scenes and some interpretations as luxurious as usual in this saga.

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